I awake with the sunlight on this fine spring day.
I see that my intrusive thoughts haven’t gone away.
But it matters not; I won’t fall prey to their allure.
I see them as they are, just a nuisance, to be sure.
Like a tornado, the chaos swirls around and through my world.
A force unto itself, I can’t restrain what’s been unfurled.
Distorted memories and images that whirl through my brain.
To spend energy exploring them would be an effort in vain.
Most mornings I wake up, convinced my skin has caught on fire.
I remind myself my nerves have gone completely haywire!
Yesterday, I was bedbound, yet today, it’s constant pacing.
Each day, its own brand of misery; at times, it’s enslaving.
It’s just screwed up brain chemistry, these symptoms come and go.
They mean nothing; they’re irrelevant, as time has clearly shown.
I can’t control their presence, and thus, I am resigned.
With indifference and willful tolerance, I pay them no mind.
Some days are better than others, as I have come to learn.
I have stopped questioning why. It’s no longer of concern.
I know I’m getting better, and my well-being is assured.
Someday, I’ll be delivered from this theater of the absurd!
For now, this is my life, all the thoughts and the pain I’m feeling.
I embrace my recovery with its non-linear healing.
It’s my perspective and my attitude that gets me through the daily grind.
I get up and play the hand I’m dealt. A day in the life for those with BIND.