There will be no talk of Benzos in today’s rhythmic verse.
No, that’s not what is on my mind.
I’ve written plenty about the ravages of that curse.
For those folks suffering from BIND.
Today’s scribbles will speak to the hardships of life.
The adversity we endure every day.
Finances, relationships, job worries and strife.
Affecting us all, in in some unwelcome way.
Our trials are just part of the human condition.
The lessons we must learn as we go.
No need to make them our earthly perdition.
Through these challenges our consciousness grows.
For what purpose have we, if not to be tested.
The challenge to overcome our circumstance.
It’s in Stoic philosophy, that I have invested.
Increasing my odds in life’s grand game of chance.
For me, I believe, the ancient Stoics had it right.
With their pursuit of the virtuous existence.
On wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance, set your sights.
It will serve you well as you face life’s resistance.
Limit your thinking to that which you can control.
And if it’s negative avoid its touch.
Focus not on the events, but your response, that’s the goal.
Staying mindful of your next choice, as such.
Resentment and regret have no place in this world.
For what’s come to pass cannot be undone.
It’s only in the present that we can face what’s unfurled.
The dawn of a new day has begun.
Success often requires maintaining perspective.
Practicing patience, humility, tolerance, and gratitude.
Adopting these traits can be quite effective.
And helps one begin each day with the right attitude.
Of course, it’s much easier to say than to do.
It’s not easy managing one’s thoughts.
The secret is letting them float right on through.
And not letting them tie your mind up in knots.
Lastly, I seek counsel from the good Lord above.
Finding comfort that His grace travels with thee.
For when you walk through life with faith, hope, and love.
You’ll always end up where you’re supposed to be.