“We are more often frightened than hurt;
we suffer more in imagination than in reality.”
– Seneca

About Dan

Hi, thanks for checking out my website. Have you landed here looking for a bit of help navigating your withdrawal and recovery from a benzodiazepine or other prescribed medication? If so, I hope I can serve as a resource for you.

First, a little about myself: I earned a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, and have spent most of my adult life working on the administrative side of the healthcare delivery system. As an executive in physician practice management, I have been active in facilitating the effectiveness of that delivery system to the benefit of the vast majority of patients it serves. Through the years, I’ve seen remarkable technological and pharmacological advancements improve humankind’s general welfare and quality of life for millions. I have also observed numerous shortcomings, deficiencies, and limitations that, unfortunately, have led to unintended and undesirable outcomes for thousands of patients who, despite following their doctor’s orders, continue to suffer from debilitating symptoms and/or the adverse effects of those orders.

Specifically, for the last several years, I have witnessed the difficult journey of a dear friend whose life has been ravaged by a neurotoxic reaction to a commonly prescribed antibiotic, followed by her ongoing battle to cope with a prolonged withdrawal from a benzodiazepine she took as prescribed to manage the antibiotic’s effects. I have walked alongside my friend, a well-educated healthcare professional herself, to see her high-functioning, highly active life literally be put on hold as she endures a most bizarre, non-linear recovery. I’ve seen her held hostage to mental and physical symptoms so severe as to leave her at times bedbound only to retract twenty-four hours later to a level that, although considerably discomforting, allows her to engage in life.

In my effort to support her through her trials, I have taken a deep dive into the study of iatrogenic injuries, benzodiazepine, and other psychiatric medication withdrawal, and disordered anxiety to better understand what she is going through and equip myself with whatever means I can to assist in her recovery. Through my efforts, I have learned that thousands of individuals have experienced variations of the same debilitating withdrawal as my friend. I have read countless testimonies of others who have chronicled their harrowing experiences and, fortunately, have come out on the other side of their recovery with their health restored and are now living their best lives. Through online coursework, completion of various workshops, and reading numerous texts and articles related to these topics, I have acquired a base of knowledge that has not only enabled me to be a constructive member of my friend’s team of caregivers but can also benefit and serve others who find themselves in Benzo Hell.

In addition to my dive into the world of benzodiazepine withdrawal, for over 25 years, I was regularly prescribed various antidepressant medications and ADHD medications to combat a general state of low-grade dysphoria/depression and adult attention-deficit disorder. As I became aware that long-term use of these medications presented some potential risks to my overall well-being, I elected to taper off the meds and find alternative strategies for managing my dysphoria and attentiveness issues. Fortunately, I didn’t have any severe challenges tapering off those medications. However, I did learn the invaluable effectiveness of adopting the proper mindset that would enable me to live my life without periods of sustained depression and develop strategies and practices to minimize any attention deficit-related dysfunction.

I’ve listened to and learned from the stories of hundreds of individuals who grapple with the debilitating effects of the long-term use of benzodiazepine and antidepressant medications. From my understanding, if a magic pill or silver bullet exists that can lessen the severity of symptoms or alleviate them altogether, it remains elusive. The common thread among the folks who have found a way to make their way through the fog is their ability to develop the resilience necessary to persevere, even during periods of extreme duress. These individuals have learned to allow for their symptoms without falling prey to their paralytic grip. They accept their circumstances with a relentless spirit and the certainty that one day, they will be healed.

It sounds simple enough, but it’s far from easy when you have a sensitized nervous system working against you. That’s where the services of a coach can help one develop the skills, mindset shifts, and strategies to strengthen their resilience and reclaim agency over their mind and body. Having an informed and compassionate member of your support team who can share your journey and provide guidance and reassurance, helping you to find your relentless spirit, can be integral to your health’s restoration. If this is where you find yourself in your recovery journey, I can help. Please reach out and send me an email.

To better days…

– Dan

A word about Stoicism

For the last decade or so, concurrent with my study of benzodiazepines and medication withdrawal, I have immersed myself in the study of Stoic Philosophy. I have found the writings of the ancients—Plato, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Cato, Epictetus, and Seneca, among others—embody timeless wisdom and teaching as relevant in today’s world as it was in their world centuries ago. Centered around the four cardinal virtues of Wisdom, Courage, Justice, and Temperance, Stoicism provides a philosophical foundation and perspective of thought that enables one to navigate the trials, triumphs, adversity, and success intrinsic to the human condition. It informs my approach towards coaching and life in general. On these pages, You will find various quotes from the Stoic canon that I have found helpful in framing my mindset, particularly during times of stress and struggle. For those interested, I can provide links to some outstanding resources that explore the values of this time-tested philosophy.