
She feels like a rowboat tossed in a raging sea.
Like a grain of sand on a windswept beach.

She lives with a nightmare that just won’t end.
A living hell into which she descends.

The waves overwhelm her and knock her flat on her back.
Her mind and body are under an all-out attack.

But deep down inside her burns a fearless drive.
She knows for certain that she will survive.

In her trial is a lesson, that she needs to learn.
So she can help others, that’s her foremost concern.

So she fights through the pain when push comes to shove.
She knows she’ll pull through, using faith, hope and love.

She gets off her knees, for the time is at hand.
The waves won’t defeat her as she rises to stand.

She’s getting stronger with each passing day.
Nothing will stop her as she forges her way.

A profile in courage, all fears cast aside.
She’s winning this battle; she will not be denied.

I witness her victory, over all she contends.
She is my champion and the truest of friends.

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