“There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying
about things which are beyond the power of our will.”
– Epictetus

Musings and Insights

I’ve always enjoyed language and the value of the written word. I am an avid reader of fictional and nonfictional works and integrate reading into my daily routine. Although I’ve written the occasional letter and essay, I’ve never ventured into creative writing or writing for pleasure. However, over the past several years, I have learned of and listened to the incredible testimonies of individuals living through the horrors of medication withdrawal, and it’s been inspiring. As a means of supporting those struggling in their recovery, I started writing a little poetry and other missives offering encouragement along with some simple messaging that I’d hoped folks might find helpful. I have posted many of them on some online forums and have received some favorable feedback. I have posted some of these below and will continue to add more over time. Maybe they will resonate with you and where you are at in your journey.